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Also happening in June…


Taxing links breaks the internet
A new proposal by the EU could allow publishers to – or even oblige them to – charge for the use of snippets of their web content. We’re talking about the kinds of snippets people post every day on Twitter and Facebook, quote in their blogs, and that make up the headlines that you see on NewsNow every day.
On the face of it, you might think that this would be a good thing for publishers. Yet because links can’t function effectively without snippets, some are calling this a ‘link tax’ and we are highly concerned that this would have a serious and damaging impact on publishers, all sorts of other online services, and their users - which means you!
The EU is consulting on these plans right now but the 15 June deadline is fast approaching.
Free linking to publicly available content using snippets is fundamental to how the internet is used today.
So please respond to the consultation and make your voice heard.

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