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Kookbag: Leading Thermal Cooker for health and wellness


Bring food such as rice/yam (and lots more) to a boil then, place the whole pot into the KooKBaG™, it locks in the heat generated on your cooker and so continues to cook food to completion without you having to further use your cooker, saving you so much cooking fuel/energy (gas, kerosene, wood or electricity). KooKBaG™ typically saves you 30% to 50% of your cooking fuel/energy in addition to numerous health and environmental benefits.

Own yours at; recover your investment in 3 – 6 months and enjoy well over 3 years of use. We offer a 7 day money back guarantee when you order on Visit us; like us on Facebook and follow us on
KooKBaG™ Keeps you Healthier and Happier!
    • Limits exposure to microwaves as KooKBaG™ keeps your food piping hot for hours so, no reason to reheat
    • Reduce the risk of cancer- absence of PAH in food (burnt food) – never burn your food ever again
    • Preserve nutrients due to reduced exposure to heat at high temperatures which kill nutrients in food
    • Locks-in aroma giving food better taste improving your overall eating experience
KooKBaG™ Multiplies your Time!
    • Eliminates waste due to accidental burning of food on the fire as a result of distractions when cooking
    • Attain full focus on other things without worrying about food getting burnt since its now safely in KooKBaG
    • Spend saved time reading, relaxing or even doing your laundry, the choice is yours. Remember time is moNey
KooKBaG™ is Green!
    • Made from 95% recyclable material; helps for better waste management
    • Reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions due to significantly shorter times generating cooking heat from wood, gas, kerosene or even electricity (Generator or DISKOS)
    • Fewer trees felled due to reduced demand for firewood and/or charcoal
    • Use much less water since evaporation is limited largely to time on the fire which now cut in half using the KooKBaG

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