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Surviving a Coup 101, by President Erdogan of Turkey
 July 16, 2016 no comments 1096 Crime/Judiciary/Security, Economy, Latest News, Opinions, World Atarturkish , Coup Attempt , Coup attempt in Turkey unclear who has control , Istanbul , post-Kemalist Turkey , Prime Minister Yildrim , Surviving a Coup 101 , Turkish President Recep Tayipp Erdogan  

The history of modern Turkey is replete with coups, and Turkish President Recep Tayipp Erdogan just made history by surviving the first coup in post-Kemalist Turkey, riding nearly singularly on the back of popular street power. But, who is Erdogan, the man who simply spoke his country’s citizens onto the streets, pushing them to take “their tanks and guns back, because they all belong to them”?

Born about 60 years ago in downtown Istanbul, Erdogan is the classic home boy “son of the soil”. He did all the youths of his time do; went to traditional Turkish madrasah, hawked on the streets, played semi-professional football, and studied for a first degree in Business.

While he was in University, he debuted two life changing moves; keyed into the Islamic trend in “Atarturkish” Turkey, and tried his hands on student politics.

Fast forward a few years later, and Erdogan had become the Mayor of his native Istanbul, overhauling the infrastructural and financial fortunes of the city, to national and international acclaim. Istanbul fared so well under Erdogan-and that was in the days of economic adversity-that he sparked a global Mayoral Union, and several European cities unabashedly stole several public service innovations from Erdogan’s Istanbul.

People react after taking over military position on the Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul
Erdogan took a shot at the leadership of Turkey after he suffered a particularly distressing political fortune; the deposition of his mentor-teacher, Prime Minister Professor Necmettin Erbakan in 1997, by the Turkish military in a bloodless coup. He probably told himself then that; “My “daddy” accepted the coup against him, grudgingly though. I will climb into power, stay there as long as I can, and will NEVER stomach a coup”. And that is what he simply has done.

Erdogan became Prime Minister in 2002, and since then, he has won election after election, with successively greater numbers of votes compared to his opponents. Today, he has created a system in Turkey that is bigger than him and will outshine and outlive him, establishing and nurturing the AKP to power, boosting the Turkish economy to a whooping 1 trillion dollar figure, establishing tens of universities, airports and several other critical infrastructure, and boosting literacy and economic empowerment levels to dizzying levels, never witnessed before in post-Kemalist Turkey.

Today, Erdogan has been spectacularly successful in fending off what would have been the 5th post-1960 coup in Turkey. What should interest us more, is why?

First, is the fact of his huge popularity within the country. He spoke his people to take their country back via Facebook-the live stream Face Time facility, to be precise-and so did they, successfully too, in a globally rare show of national people power.

Second, is the fact the people have fared much better in all indices of national and individual life under Erdogan, better than they have under any civilian or military government in the history of modern Turkey. They simply were not ready to pass off that economic and other freebies for a military putsch that will almost always be followed by mass, indiscriminate massacre, with worse economic and social strife

Third, is the rare and surprising unity the different political and professional factions displayed in the face of this coup experiment. In less than 3 hours into the coup, former President Abdullah Gul, former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the three opposition leaders in Turkey, and all military top brass in Turkey had immediately lined up behind President Erdogan and Prime Minister Yildrim, effectively isolating the coupists and opening them up to an inevitable failure.

It must be noted that the coup happened in the middle of the night in Turkey, and despite that, hundreds of thousands of Turks defied the sham curfew and martial law imposed by the now-ill fated coupists to take their nation back.

Like the proverbial cliche says, what has not killed Erdogan, has evidently made him stronger.

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