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RCGI: Raising confident, empowered girls


Raising Confident Girls Initiative (RGCI), which started as on online movement has now metamorphosed into the NGO, is creating path for young girls to follow.
Founded in September 2014 by RiRi Okoye. The NGO has become a valuable resource group, with online membership of 13,000 and growing daily from all across the world.

The movement recently evolved into a registered Non-Government Organisation (NGO) in Nigeria. The admin team are based in Lagos and London respectively and include RiRi Okoye, Ladi Chapman, Damie Onasanya, Yinka Enahoro, Ifeoma Okoye Agbasi and Bonita Olugh.
There are several issues with raising girls in the 21st century and the movement intends to tackle them. The desire of RCG is to empower girls and provide support and solutions to those challenges.
In 2014, RCGI invited over 80 girls between the ages of 8 to 14 across Lagos to its 1st Girls tea party at Teeky Events & Arena Lekki.

The theme of the event was Valuable YOU. Girls left the program feeling confident, empowered and inspired knowing that are valuable and can present themselves effectively anywhere in the world.
RCGI realise that it takes a village to raise a girl and so the Admin team met up with members in London and Lagos to thank them for their valuable contributions to the initiative. Aside from Annual programs for girls and members, there are plans to host regular meets and greets across the globe where possible.

Recently two members of the initiative, Rita Okoye and Yinka Enahoro were invited to empower and inspire girls at Queens College School in Yaba as part of class of 86, give back to the school. The event proved very successful. It highlighted the need to expand such talks with other schools, groups, churches and communities in Lagos and across Nigeria. The initiative plan to deliver a range of Confident themed events each year in Nigeria. They are keen to partner with brands who also support have similar visions.
The long-term goal is to provide a wide range of resources such as books, educational material, empowerment events, apprenticeship opportunities, educational sponsorships and mentoring, just to mention a few. Raising Confident Girls Initiative look forward to engaging and partnering with various sectors to build the girl child with confidence.

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