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Trump dines with Romney, plans victory tour


 Mitt Romney speaks to reporters after dining with President-elect Donald Trump at Jean Georges restaurant, November 29, 2016 in New York City. President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team are in the process of filling cabinet and other high level positions for the new administration.   Drew Angerer/Getty Images/AFP
Donald Trump feasted Tuesday at one of New York's swankiest eateries with Mitt Romney, his recent adversary turned potential leader in the race to end up distinctly America's next secretary of state. 

The supper came as the president-elect got a jolt by an assembling organization declaring an arrangement to keep almost 1,000 employments in the Rust Belt and as the New York very rich person arranged to change his considerations from prospective employee meet-ups to a post-race triumph visit. 
"We will keep our organizations and employments in the US. Much appreciated Carrier," Trump tweeted late Tuesday, alluding to the Indiana-based aerating and cooling organization that reported the arrangement. 
The decision of Jean-Georges, a three-featured Michelin eatery sitting above Central Park keep running by big name French gourmet expert Jean-Georges Vongerichten and famous with New York high society, was the clearest sign yet that Trump may choose Romney as his main representative. 
After the supper, Romney offered expressions of acclaim for Trump that stood out strongly from his past reactions, saying he had been "inspired" by his acknowledgment discourse and resulting arrangements for office, calling it "a great night." 
"I believe will see America keep on leading the world in this century," Romney told correspondents, saying he had "expanding trust that president-elect Trump is the very man who can lead us to that better future." 
The brash land head honcho and the previous Republican candidate who lost the 2012 decision to Barack Obama were joined by Trump's approaching head of staff Reince Priebus in full perspective of different cafes, who incorporated CNN's senior White House journalist. 
In an eatery where supper begins at $148 a head, the Trump group said they devoured garlic soup with thyme, sauteed frog legs and scallops with caramelized cauliflower and an escapade raisin emulsion. 
For their fundamental course, both the president-elect and Priebus settled on prime sirloin with a citrus coating and carrots, and Romney for sheep slashes with the mushroom bolognese sauce. Each of the three had chocolate cake. 
Asked by a columnist quickly permitted to watch the supper whether it was going great, the president-elect flashed a thumbs up. 
– Mnuchin touted – 
It was the second up close and personal meeting in 10 days amongst Trump and the 69-year-old previous Massachusetts senator, who savaged him as a "conman" and a "fake" amid the decision battle. 
Trump's secretary of state will be America's open face to the world who could confront the sensitive assignment of consoling remote partners frightened by the president-elect's talk on the battle field. 
Other key presents yet on be declared are the secretaries of resistance and treasury — for which US media reported that Trump was relied upon to name previous Goldman Sachs broker Steven Mnuchin. 
In any case, the look for the correct negotiator has demonstrated disagreeable with some of Trump's inward hover astonished at the possibility of remunerating an unmistakable faultfinder with such a plum work. 
Romney's doubt of Russia — inconsistent with a president-elect who has talked fondly of Vladimir Putin — and the regard he for the most part summons have been touted as qualities by foundation Americans. 
It stays hazy how persuasive the secretary of state would be on making outside strategy with Trump follower and resigned general Michael Flynn officially assigned as national security guide. 
Other than Romney, other potential competitors are praised general yet embarrassment clad previous CIA executive David Petraeus, Senate Foreign Relations Committee administrator Bob Corker and previous New York leader Rudy Giuliani. 
Prior Tuesday, Trump met Corker, 64, who said that he thought Trump had contracted the decision "to a little gathering of individuals" and it was imperative that he chooses some individual on a similar wave length. 
Petraeus, who met the president-elect on Monday, has by a long shot the most outside strategy encounter, however was compelled to leave from the CIA in the wake of demonstrating grouped material to his escort Paula Broadwell. 
In 2015, he conceded to a wrongdoing accusation of misusing grouped materials, and was put on post trial supervision and fined $100,000. 
– Jobs to stay – 
Besting claim accomplishment on his race promise to spare American occupations from going abroad, cooling organization Carrier Corp declared it had achieved an arrangement with the president-elect and VP choose Mike Pence "to keep near 1,000 employments." 
Trump had tweeted on America's Thanksgiving occasion a week ago that he was looking to induce the organization to remain in the United States. 
The New York Times reported that Trump and Pence plan to show up at the organization's Indianapolis plant on Thursday to declare they have struck an arrangement after the organization had undermined to move 2,000 occupations to Mexico. 
That day, both Trump and Pence are additionally booked to lead a post-decision rally in Cincinnati, Ohio. 
The night occasion at the home of the Cincinnati Cyclones, with a most extreme limit of more than 17,000, is relied upon to be like those that drew excited hordes of thousands amid the battle. 
The move group has named it a "thank you visit."

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