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Police crush cocaine ring at Sydney Fish Market in Christmas Day strikes


POLICE have blown open a cocaine ring worth a huge number of dollars working out of the Sydney Fish Market, bringing about the capture of more than twelve men. 

The captures, made amid a progression of Christmas Day strikes, come after an over two year examination by the NSW Police Drug Squad and Australian Federal Police. 

The top-mystery examination focused on business anglers who were purportedly utilizing angling trawlers to move cocaine from Chile to Australia, the Daily Telegraphreports. 

The sum seized on Christmas night was roughly 500 kilograms of cocaine, NSW police affirmed in a media discharge, assessed to be worth $162 million. 

More than 600 kilograms of cocaine was seized in Tahiti which was bound for Australia, evaluated to be worth around $197. 

This measure of cocaine seized altogether has an expected road estimation of around $360 million, as per police. 

Also, 15 men purportedly included in the Australian criminal syndicate in charge of the endeavored importations have been accused of genuine medication importation offenses. They extend in age from 29 to 63 years, and have all been declined safeguard. 

One of the 15 men focused in the sting is a previous NRL star and a Bondi bistro ruler, as indicated by the Daily Telegraph.

A haul of 500kg of cocaine was allegedly seized from the boat on the NSW Central Coas

Police have crushed a $162 million cocaine ring working out of Sydney Fish Markets amid a progression of Christmas Day strikes. Picture 

Criminologists appended to the extensive operation jumped on the asserted trug traffickers on Sunday night, seizing around 500kg of cocaine from an inflatable watercraft as it pulled up to a vessel slope at Brooklyn on the NSW Central Coast. 

"This operation has been running for more than more than two years and finished over the Christmas time frame," the police proclamation peruses. 

AFP Organized Crime national chief Chris Sheehan told the Daily Telegraph that each and every individual from the syndicate had now been captured. 

"Regardless of what number of endeavors we disturbed despite everything they continued onward," he said. "This gathering — the 15 we have captured — that is the whole syndicate start to finish." 

The greater part of the men are relied upon to show up under the steady gaze of Central Local Court in March yet a number are probably going to make safeguard applications in the following couple of weeks.

The Christmas Day assaults brought about the capture of more than twelve men — including a previous NRL star and Bondi bistro proprietor. Source

One of 15 men being captured, supposedly part of an Australian criminal syndicate. Picture

Australian Federal Police Acting Assistant Commissioner Chris Sheehan, NSW Police Force Assistant Commissioner Mark Jenkins, and Australian Border Force Acting Assistant Commissioner Tim Fitzgerald will address media in Sydney at 11am on Thursday.

Cocaine is seized from an inflatable pontoon on the NSW Central Coast. Picture: NSW PoliceSource:Supplied

A bit of the 500kg cocaine pull seized by powers. Picture: NSW PoliceSource:Supplied

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