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Another "partner" of killed medication master Jaguar Diaz captured


CEBU CITY — Police captured another companion of killed medication master Jeffrey "Panther" Diaz in an operation in Barangay Langtad, City of Naga, south Cebu on Sunday morning. 

Alan Tabalin, 51, did not avoid capture when agents served a capture warrant issued in April 2016 by Judge James Stewart Ramon Himalaloan of the Regional Trial Court Branch 57 in Cebu City. Tabalin is confronting charges for disregarding Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. 

Senior Insp. Eduard Sanchez, head of the Mambaling police headquarters, said distinctive law implementation units had searched for Tabalin whom they portrayed as "exceptionally tricky." 

"He (Tabalin) continued exchanging starting with one place then onto the next. Be that as it may, we at last got him. He could scarcely escape because of the quantity of agents who partook in the operation," he told correspondents. 

Beside the Mambaling police, agents of the Provincial Intelligence Branch, and the Naga City police joined the operation that prompted to Tabalin's capture. 

The presume served as Diaz's medication messenger and pusher, Sanchez said. 

Tabalin's capture came four days after the Cebu City knowledge branch and the Cebu City Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Team captured Joselito "Otik" Arellano, who supposedly served as Diaz's bodyguard, driver, and right hand man. 

He was captured by the police not long after he exited his mom's living arrangement in Barangay Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City. 

Tabalin, then again, was in a house in the city of Naga when police captured him. 

In a meeting at the stockade of the Mambaling police headquarters, Tabalin said he covered up when he discovered that a capture warrant was issued against him. 

He said he likewise dreaded for his life when then Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte accepted power as President. 

"I was perplexed I may get executed," he said. 

Tabalin, a local of Barangay Mambaling, conceded he used to function as a medication messenger when Diaz was alive. 

He said he cleared out the gathering when Diaz was murdered in a police operation in Las Piñas City last June 17. 

Tabalin declined to expound. 

Senior Inspector Sanchez said Tabalin's cousin Sophia was on their medication watch list yet surrendered amid Oplan Tokhang, a crusade wherein policemen would thump on the entryway of medication suspects and urged them to surrender. SFM/rga

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