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Egypt to hand over MS804 air crash casualties' remai


Egypt's state prosecutor has requested that the remaining parts of those killed in the crash of EgyptAir flight 804 be given over to relatives, his office said in an announcement Saturday. 

The Airbus A320 had been in transit from Paris to Cairo in May when it collided with the Mediterranean, murdering each of the 66 on board, including 40 Egyptians and 15 French nationals. 

On Thursday, the avionics service in Cairo had declared that hints of explosives had been found on the casualties' remaining parts. 

Be that as it may, France's air wellbeing office said it was unrealistic to figure out what created the crash, saying it didn't have data on how the specimens were gathered. 

The prosecutor requested the arrival of stays "of Egyptian casualties, and there is as of now coordination with outside international safe havens to turn over the remaining parts of nonnatives," Saturday's announcement said. 

A legal counselor for relatives of the French casualties had said in September that there was nothing to "legitimize" the deferral in giving over the remaining parts. 

Aeronautics specialists have said there is minimal possibility that a mechanical blame was in charge of the fiasco. 

The plane just entered benefit in 2003, making it generally new for a flying machine that has a tendency to have an operational existence of 30 to 40 years. 

It was flying at 37,000 feet (11,000 meters) and vanished around 130 nautical miles off the Greek island of Karpathos.

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